June 15 update 2024

Click here for the full Day post

the current year updates to the post are:

BCE to The Suffragettes


The Computing-Tabulating-Recording Co. was incorporated in New York state. The firm was later renamed International Business Machines (IBM) Corp.

1940s The Friends of Dorothy Era and The Hayes Code

1950s The Decade the public learned heterosexual women wanted sex


The first teenage all-music TV show Oh Boy!, was broadcast for the first time in the UK.

1960s: When the Boomers were under 30

1970s: Civil RightsFeminist, Gay Liberation and Lesbian Separatists:

1980s Gen X: The Genderfuck Apathetics vs Yuppies : Aids the new STD on the list

1990s: The Queer Slur Reclaimed: Act Up! Lesbian Avengers and Queer Nation

2000s – “gay and lesbian” to “lesbigay” to “Lgbt/Lgbtq/Lgbtq2”

2010s It Should Be The Q-Word for the same N-Word Reasons


BuzzFeed News

Poll Finds Lesbians Are Only 16% Of The LGBTQ Population In America

While young women are now more likely to identify as queer or bisexual, they’re much less likely to identify as lesbians.

2020s: Gender Ideas vs Global Observable Sexed Reality


The New York Times

A Half-Century On, an Unexpected Milestone for L.G.B.T.Q. Rights (Published 2020)

When Donald J. Trump was elected president, gay and lesbian leaders warned that their far-reaching victories under Barack Obama — including…


Paste Magazine

In Defense of Willow and Kennedy on Buffy the Vampire Slayer

From the moment that stray bullet hit Tara (Amber Benson) during Season 6 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, marking the end of both a beloved…




There may not be many of them. But these Southern lesbian bars are …

Lesbian bars are considered something of a dying breed in the US, but the ones that remain still play a vital role in their communities.

There may not be many of them. But these Southern lesbian bars are ...


‘Girltrash: All Night Long’: ‘D.E.B.S.’ Filmmaker’s Lesbian Soft Rock Musical Is a So-Bad-It’s-Good…

From the filmmaker behind ‘D.E.B.S.’ Angela Robinson’s prequel to a web series loosely connected to ‘The L Word’ is a forgotten treasure for Pride.



‘Girltrash: All Night Long’: ‘D.E.B.S.’ Filmmaker’s Lesbian Soft Rock Musical Is a So-Bad-It’s-Good Banger

Soapy, sapphic, and only sometimes self-aware, this is “Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist” for lesbians.



Coveteur: Inside Closets, Fashion, Beauty, Health, and Travel

‘The L Word’ at 20: A Conversation with Leisha Hailey and Jenna Lyo…

Two decades after the premiere of the iconic series, the friends catch up at Cubbyhole with Coveteur.

‘The L Word’ at 20: A Conversation with Leisha Hailey and Jenna Lyo...


Married At First Sight’s Jenna announces girlfriend Zoe popped the question during sweet date night – before nearly setting…

They were the first lesbian couple to take part in the hit Channel E4 show Married At First Sight UK.


The Wildrose, Seattle’s only lesbian bar, toasts 40 years

It’s hard to be the “only” anything. The owners of the Wildrose know that. For four decades, the Capitol Hill bar has been the Seattle…

The Marsh: Marga Gomez – Swimming With Lesbians

Marga Gomez’s Swimming with Lesbians Back for Pride Month! In Person at The Marsh San Francisco Mainstage Written & Performed by Marga Gomez


Cited Primary Sources

in 2023 the Ronni Sanlo site ceased to be publicly visible owing to laws in the geography of the usa, and the state where she resides. without access to Sanlo’s site, this one would not have been possible.

Today in LGBT History   by Ronni Sanlo

The Lavender Effect

canada pride


LGBT History Month 


https://lgbtdailyspotlight.com/ (site)

people link for the day post

events link for the day post

Sources specific to any given date are often hyperlinked as web 1.0 htmlers would have said with direct link as in web 2.0 the ironically named social media era; and blogging the start of that era, to web 3.0 Big Data

sources for occasional dates are updated here and added as an update to the dated page:


from my previous blog:

Our Daily Elvis

including technology shifts and legal social shifts in human rights.

and the music and movie information, of the heterosexual women who lesbians fan crushed on along with the some of the closeted lesbian and bisexual women not included on the sites from where the majority of the lesbian and bisexual women information is copied and credited on the LGBTQ sites below the Sanlo Site in the above Cited Primary Sources for “Dykes and Lesbians” my last blog

My own previous blogs are described here as:

the As I peaked blog (2019 – 2022)

Gen X Mid Life changesDecember 2012 – August 2020

My Original Blog to December 2, 2012

for which there were spin off blogs:

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